@ author: summer
@ editor: Ali
@ tools: vscode
@ content: Realize the main class of serial communication
@ date: 2023.2.19
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
from SerialClass import SerialAchieve # Import serial communication class
class MainSerial:
def __init__(self):
# Define serial variables
self.port = None
self.band = None
self.check = None
self.data = None
self.stop = None
self.myserial = None
# Initialize the form
self.mainwin = tkinter.Tk()
self.mainwin.title("Serial debugging tool")
self.mainwin.iconbitmap(r'C:\Users\Ali\Documents\elec\python serial\icon.ico')
# Label
self.label1 = tkinter.Label(self.mainwin,text = "Serial port:",font = ("Arial",13))
self.label1.place(x = 5,y = 5)
self.label2 = tkinter.Label(self.mainwin, text="Baud rate:", font=("Arial", 13))
self.label2.place(x=5, y=45)
self.label3 = tkinter.Label(self.mainwin, text="Parity digit:", font=("Arial", 13))
self.label3.place(x=5, y=85)
self.label4 = tkinter.Label(self.mainwin, text="Data bits:", font=("Arial", 13))
self.label4.place(x=5, y=125)
self.label5 = tkinter.Label(self.mainwin,text = "Stop bits:",font = ("Arial",13))
self.label5.place(x = 5,y = 165)
# Text display, clear sending data
self.label6 = tkinter.Label(self.mainwin, text="send data:", font=("Arial", 13))
self.label6.place(x=230, y=5)
self.label7 = tkinter.Label(self.mainwin, text="Receive data:", font=("Arial", 13))
self.label7.place(x=230, y=200)
# Serial number
self.com1value = tkinter.StringVar() # Text that comes with the form, create a value
self.combobox_port = ttk.Combobox(self.mainwin, textvariable=self.com1value,
width = 13,font = ("Arial",10))
# enter selection
self.combobox_port["value"] = [""] # Select here first
self.combobox_port.place(x = 105,y = 5) # display
# baud rate
self.bandvalue = tkinter.StringVar() # Text that comes with the form, create a value
self.combobox_band = ttk.Combobox(self.mainwin, textvariable=self.bandvalue, width=13, font=("Arial", 10))
# enter selection
self.combobox_band["value"] = ["4800","9600","14400","19200","38400","57600","115200"] # Select here first
self.combobox_band.current(6) # The 0th is selected by default
self.combobox_band.place(x=105, y=45) # Display
# Check Digit
self.checkvalue = tkinter.StringVar() # Text that comes with the form, create a value
self.combobox_check = ttk.Combobox(self.mainwin, textvariable=self.checkvalue, width=13, font=("Arial", 10))
# enter selection
self.combobox_check["value"] = ["no check digit"] # Select here first
self.combobox_check.current(0) # The 0th is selected by default
self.combobox_check.place(x=105, y=85) # Display
# data bit
self.datavalue = tkinter.StringVar() # Text that comes with the form, create a value
self.combobox_data = ttk.Combobox(self.mainwin, textvariable=self.datavalue, width=13, font=("Arial", 10) )
# enter selection
self.combobox_data["value"] = ["8", "9", "0"] # Select here first
self.combobox_data.current(0) # The 0th is selected by default
self.combobox_data.place(x=105, y=125) # Display
# stop bit
self.stopvalue = tkinter.StringVar() # Text that comes with the form, create a value
self.combobox_stop = ttk.Combobox(self.mainwin, textvariable=self.stopvalue, width=13, font=("Arial", 10))
# enter selection
self.combobox_stop["value"] = ["1", "0"] # Select here first
self.combobox_stop.current(0) # The 0th is selected by default
self.combobox_stop.place(x=105, y=165) # Display
# Press Display to open the serial port
self.button_OK = tkinter.Button(self.mainwin, text="open port",
command=self.button_OK_click, font = ("Arial",10),
width = 10,height = 1)
self.button_OK.place(x = 5,y = 210) # Display Control
# close the serial port
self.button_Cancel = tkinter.Button(self.mainwin, text="close port", # Display text
command=self.button_Cancel_click, font = ("Arial",10),
width=10, height=1)
self.button_Cancel.place(x = 120,y = 210) # Display Control
# clear send data
self.button_Cancel = tkinter.Button(self.mainwin, text="Clear send data", # Display text
command=self.button_clcSend_click, font=("Arial", 10),
width=13, height=1)
self.button_Cancel.place(x=400, y=2) # DisplayControl
# Clear received data
self.button_Cancel = tkinter.Button(self.mainwin, text="Clear received data", # Display text
command=self.button_clcRece_click, font=("Arial", 10),
width=13, height=1)
self.button_Cancel.place(x=400, y=197) # DisplayControl
# send button
self.button_Send = tkinter.Button(self.mainwin, text="send", # Display text
command=self.button_Send_click, font=("Arial", 10),
width=6, height=1)
self.button_Send.place(x=5, y=255) # DisplayControl
# receive button
self.button_Send = tkinter.Button(self.mainwin, text="receive", # Display text
command=self.button_Rece_click, font=("Arial", 10),
width=6, height=1)
self.button_Send.place(x=5, y=310) # DisplayControl
# Display frame
# Implement the functional components of Notepad
self.SendDataView = tkinter.Text(self.mainwin,width = 40,height = 9,
font = ("Arial",10)) # text is actually a text editor
self.SendDataView.place(x = 230,y = 35) # Display
self.ReceDataView = tkinter.Text(self.mainwin, width=40, height=9,
font=("Arial", 10)) # text is actually a text editor
self.ReceDataView.place(x=230, y=230) # Display
# sent content
test_str = tkinter.StringVar(value="Hello")
self.entrySend = tkinter.Entry(self.mainwin, width=13,textvariable = test_str,font = ("Arial",13))
self.entrySend.place(x = 80,y = 260) # Display
# get file path
test_str = tkinter.StringVar(value="Hello")
self.entrySend = tkinter.Entry(self.mainwin, width=13, textvariable=test_str, font=("Arial", 13))
self.entrySend.place(x=80, y=260) # Display
# Get the parameters of the interface
self.band = self.combobox_band.get()
self.check = self.combobox_check.get()
self.data = self.combobox_data.get()
self.stop = self.combobox_stop.get()
print("Baud rate:"+self.band)
self.myserial = SerialAchieve(int(self.band),self.check,self.data,self.stop)
# Handle serial port values
self.port_list = self.myserial.get_port()
port_str_list = [] # Used to store the cut serial number
for i in range(len(self.port_list)):
# Cut out the serial number
lines = str(self.port_list[i])
str_list = lines.split(" ")
self.combobox_port["value"] = port_str_list
self.combobox_port.current(0) # The 0th is selected by default
def show(self):
def button_OK_click(self):
@ Serial port open function
if self.port == None or self.port.isOpen() == False:
print("Open the serial port successfully")
def button_Cancel_click(self):
print("Close the serial port successfully")
def button_clcSend_click(self):
def button_clcRece_click(self):
self.ReceDataView.delete("1.0", "end")
def button_Send_click(self):
if self.myserial.port.isOpen() == True:
print("start sending data")
send_str1 = self.entrySend.get()
self.SendDataView.insert(tkinter.INSERT, send_str1+" ")
print("Send data successfully")
print("The serial port is not open")
print("Failed to send")
def button_Rece_click(self):
readstr = self.myserial.Read_data()
self.ReceDataView.insert(tkinter.INSERT, readstr + " ")
print("read failed")
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_ser1 = MainSerial()
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